Veteran's Affairs Plus November 2022

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Kevin Krall 0:00
You're listening to special programming sponsored by making moves life coaching services. The content of Veterans Affairs plus does not reflect the views or opinions of public radio K, u and v the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:31
You can see

Unknown Speaker 0:37

Unknown Speaker 0:44
Good morning, this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more. I'm Dave Washington, your host. And like always we start out with a few announcements and certainly want to do that with regards to some condolences to certainly to the family of Stanley Armstrong, aka OJ Rancho graduate he just passed away so condolences to his family and also to the family of Taurus Thomas, longtime friend and longtime Las Vegas. She recently passed away and two jars Arnold's family. She is a fancy dancer along with my wife Marsha, she recently transitioned. And to my sister Kathy Richardson on the loss of her grandson, Chairman, Maury Sanders he recently passed away. And then on the congratulations side to the victory Baptist Church family as they celebrate the new installation of their pastors Sean Taylor, out of Texas, so congrats to them. I want to say credit congrats to 88.1 KCP as they celebrate 50 years of service to our valley. Now, we are honored, extremely honored a long time. And I'd be disingenuous if I told you guys we were really really tight for we are friends. And that is Senator Cortes Masto. Hey, Senator, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 2:09
Dave, I'm great. How are you doing? Great to talk with you.

Unknown Speaker 2:12
Yes, absolutely. I know you're in a scramble mode. I know you got other things to do. I've talked to your great communications director and do some technical issues. They just got some new phone lines. We weren't able to get her are on the line with you. But I trust that we will get through this without much of a problem. Senator, were you born and raised in Las Vegas?

Unknown Speaker 2:35
Yes, I was. This is my home. I was. Not only was I born and raised in Las Vegas. I'm third generation. I've been here pretty much my whole life for the first I will say for the first 15 years of my life. I live done Penn Wood Avenue between our Ville indicator and do you remember and I remember when theater was as far as you went at that time, right? That was a major Parkway?

Unknown Speaker 2:59
That's right. Do you remember that? Nothing was absolutely it was just after that. And not very far from Clark High School where I went to high school.

Unknown Speaker 3:08
Well, that's where I went to high school I went to you went to cloud proud product that I did on a credit card product to the public school system I talked about because I went to hand doors Hancock Elementary. I went to Cashman junior high. I actually went to Matt Kelly as well. And then I went to Clark High School. I'm a graduate clerk

Unknown Speaker 3:25
Chargers were near me I asked, Oh

Unknown Speaker 3:28
my gosh, you're gonna eight you're gonna graduated. I graduated from Clark in 1982.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
I was class of 70. But I got a GED the same year of my class. But we're certainly we're certainly pleased to have you, Senator. In fact, how long have you been serving in the Senate?

Unknown Speaker 3:48
You know, I was elected in advance elected me in 2016. To the Senate, very proud to honor and represent my state.

Unknown Speaker 3:56
Absolutely. And, you know, this is Veterans Affairs plus, is the key of this show. And one of the things that we're certainly interested in sharing with our listening audience and we are still growing an audience and we have a lot of veterans out there that we certainly want you to convey some of the things that you've done in their in their answers, if you would.

Unknown Speaker 4:18
Absolutely. I let me just say this before we even getting further because I'm a proud daughter of a veteran and granddaughter of veterans right in my family. And you know what's so interesting Dave even later on in life, I didn't even learn this. I just read the family just found out this. I haven't. A great uncle, my grandmother on my Mexican American side. He we unbeknownst to us, we knew he served in the military. He actually parachuted into Normandy. Wow. Yeah, there's things you don't know or realize until later on when you have an opportunity, opportunity to talk to you know, some of your family members but this Listen, this is the reason why I get to work on issues, bipartisan issues, right. We're both Democrats, Republicans working to help our veterans and so I get the opportunity to stand up for our veterans every single day. So that's one of my top priorities. One of the things I'm very proud of is, you know, some of our vets here in the state, they've been waiting nearly a decade, and had talked to multiple elected officials to try to get a veteran's cemetery built in Elko, Nevada. And once I got into office, I learned that they were still struggling to get it done. So I brought together all the stakeholders, including our local officials, and our federal officials, and we finally got a deal struck to get it done. So I am proud to say we have a veteran's cemetery going into Elko, Nevada right now, because of the work that I've been able to do. Yeah, and I think it's important, there's so many veterans that I talked to throughout the state. Here's the other thing. I also know talking with our veterans in in Daviau, appreciate this is I was proud to recently support and pass the pact Act, which this is legislation to get our veterans who were exposed to toxins in the line of duty, the actual care that they need, they're now can access health care for their their needs. And, you know, it's outrageous to me that they weren't able to get this health care, even though they served our country were exposed to the toxins. And now we just passed this legislation to really give them that support. And then I will say there's other legislation, I introduced legislation to protect VA benefits for our student veterans working remotely, which was signed into law last year, I go on to our campuses and talk to our veterans all the time, they want to make sure our college campuses, our universities, we're doing everything to support them. And then I have worked really hard to combat the crisis of veteran suicides, and expand mental health resources to our vets as well. So there's a lot of work that I've been able to get done, and more I know that I'm going to be able to work on to the benefit of our veterans and again, absolutely. This is all bipartisan work. Right. This is everybody working together to make sure we're supporting our veterans. Senator,

Unknown Speaker 7:04
would you go over that first one again? The first one, you mentioned,

Unknown Speaker 7:09
the cemetery in Elko, Nevada, I'm

Unknown Speaker 7:11
sorry, the second one, the pack or something pack

Unknown Speaker 7:13
deck? Yeah, we call it the pack deck. What this was is this is something that we have been fighting to get done. There were so many members, military members who are veterans now, during the line of duty were exposed to toxins. And they once they then actually left the line of duty and were in the private sector. Again, they weren't able to get health care, even though they had been exposed to those toxins while they were serving our country. And so it was important for us to finally pass the legislation that now gives them the access to the health care they need for that exposure to those toxins.

Unknown Speaker 7:57
Is this the one that coincides or part of the one I keep hearing and seeing on TV Camela Joon

Unknown Speaker 8:05
combination? Yeah, I think that's a combination. What you're seeing now is whether whether and how whether you served abroad or served here, if you were exposed, and could be at a military camp, like canceled June or somewhere, and now you have the ability to seek health care and get the help you need and support you need for that exposure to those toxins while you served.

Unknown Speaker 8:26
Excellent, excellent. Well, I can tell you that we are pleased with the work that you're doing on behalf of veterans. Is there anything that you had that comes off the top of your head with respect to anything pending, as we get close to our time together?

Unknown Speaker 8:43
Well, I will say that I am probably working for veterans every single day and will work with anyone and my colleagues who will stand up for our veterans. I do know there are other things that we need to still address to make sure that our veterans have access to their benefits for service related medical conditions. Right. And we need to get that path. There's a piece of legislation around that. And unfortunately, there's still work that we need to do to make sure our veterans have access to the mental health care they need. Excellent. And finally, address and understand veteran suicides and prevent that. Right. So that's that's where my my focus is now to make sure we get legislation passed to get those essential services for our veterans. Well,

Unknown Speaker 9:26
Senator, we certainly appreciate you for I know your schedule is extremely busy at this stage of the campaign, if you will, and we certainly encourage people to get out and vote. This woman is working for us veterans, so and I am a veteran, which I didn't mention served from 71 to 73. And I am pleased and honored to have served our country and we appreciate the work that you continue to do for a senator so Godspeed to you.

Unknown Speaker 9:53
Dave, thank you you as well. So appreciate your work. Great to talk with you.

Unknown Speaker 9:57
Take care

Unknown Speaker 10:03
Good morning. Once again, this is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more. I'm your host, Dave Washington. Our next guest is a longtime friend of mine. And a longtime loss vegan, Mr. Fernando Romero. How you doing, sir?

Unknown Speaker 10:24
I'm doing well. How are you?

Unknown Speaker 10:25
I am well, I am. Well, I'm pleased to have you on our show. A couple quick questions. How long have you lived in Las Vegas?

Unknown Speaker 10:33
55 years. 55 years. From a little ranch to a metropolitan city we're gonna do so from where I got from a little ranch that Vegas was very small. Oasis town.

Unknown Speaker 10:49
Right. So absolutely. So do you consider yourself a community activist?

Unknown Speaker 11:00
No, I consider myself a trailblazer. And they community leader. Okay, well,

Unknown Speaker 11:06
cool. So I know you are involved with and tell me your role with Hispanics in politics? What's your role there?

Unknown Speaker 11:14
Well, I'm the I'm the president of his banking policies have been involved since its inception. 42 years ago, in August, I've been president on and off for 20 years. But it's, you know, it's been a it's hard, you know, obviously, but, but it's rewarding, you know, to see things grow to see things accomplished. But, you know, it's one of those things where you get involved and you can stop, you know, and that's what it is. But, again, I've been involved from the get go, I, I found that cap off the side UNLV chapter. That was back in 69. And I also founded the student organization, Latinos at UNLV. Also, in 40, in 69, and a number of things that I've done, you know, as far as being a skillful trailblazer and, and also as president of Hispanics in politics, right. You know, being on a committee with the Jed Jones mayor, Jen Jones form that, that that is very what the committee affords to establish wards five and six. Right. So that will be what he ended up yourself.

Unknown Speaker 12:30
Sure. So what is your your mission or purpose with with hip

Unknown Speaker 12:37
The main thing is to get people involved with with the community with empowering the Latino community, in all facets of life in Southern Nevada. And we've been doing that for again, over 40 years, you know, we were trying to get people involved in politics, either as candidates, or as volunteers. And, and also to have people who are, identify people who are knowledgeable in certain areas, when boards and commissions need to be filled with make recommendations. That kind of thing evolved in all facets of life, here in Southern Nevada,

Unknown Speaker 13:19
and been in existence for some 40 plus years. And you mentioned, or you didn't mention, but I know that you do have a monthly breakfast. Tell us a little bit about that or tell the listening audience. Well,

Unknown Speaker 13:31
then in March of 1995, in other words, slide 27 years ago, we initiated the first Wednesday of every month, we have a political forum, and in which we invite 123 or four elected or appointed officials to come in and speak on the issues towards the government, including also, by the way candidates for office in particularly in times like this in record election cycles, right? Have people come to us and ask if they can be on our forum program. And if we find them to be viable individuals, viable candidates, we certainly open it up to them.

Unknown Speaker 14:18
So what is the requirement for a membership and I assume that you always want to grow your membership?

Unknown Speaker 14:27
Well, we do the visible thing, of course is to be registered to vote. That is a principal thing. We want people can they can have the they're empowered to vote, so that we can, you know, open doors and and make sure that when we endorse somebody, that we're endorsing somebody that that is going to be supported by our memberships, you know that that?

Unknown Speaker 14:55
Right. Well, that's interesting, and certainly we're are the folks who come before your group before the membership and seek your endorsement? In fact, I received something recently, if you would, and don't mind, would you give us the top? You know, like the governor, Senate. With respect to folks that you have you as a membership and as an organization have endorsed, well

Unknown Speaker 15:26
was endorsed Governor specific or reelection we've returned to Senate Governor Lisa Cano. Brooke head for our lieutenant governor to retain who is the Senate governor, Cecil Aguilar for Secretary of State. Elena Spiegel for controllers. Zach corne for treasures. And missing somebody all were able forward for to retain him or give him elected re election of the force of HGH.

Unknown Speaker 16:01
And I assume this is something that you guys do on an annual basis?

Unknown Speaker 16:06
Well, he's actually cycles. Yeah. Right. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 16:09
Very good. So, again, how does one go about, say they would like to become a member of your organization? What's the process?

Unknown Speaker 16:19
Well, we do have a website is www CF, HRP,, HIV And we have an application there they can fill out and mail is it's only $35 for membership. And I think it's well worth it. Because you do have a voice in what's going on in politics, and particularly within the Hispanic community. Now, you don't have to be Hispanic to be a member, but you do have to have the heart involved in what we we try to do we want to do. Right, you have to have that kind of involvement with us, in order to be able to participate.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
So So you have members from all over the valley?

Unknown Speaker 17:19
Yes, we do. We do. And at all levels. You know, we have county commissioners, we have elected officials, in other words that are members of our organization as well as, as the everyday Jose and Maria and, and Ruben and George and everybody else you're going to hit to his banking policies were at all levels.

Unknown Speaker 17:45
Now, you mentioned the university early on. So do you guys have anything with respect to a student membership or, or recruitment of students?

Unknown Speaker 17:59
Well, we have a young man that we just came on board to lose some boats to our board. His name is Amer sephadex. And Eva is involved very heavily and is at UNLV. With the students. And we are in the process of actually forming a young a youth committee. You so that they can participate in all levels of, of education of the community. This is a university, community college, right.

Unknown Speaker 18:33
All right, well, as we wind things down, Mr. Fernando Romero, old friend of mine, a good friend of mine, I, is there anything in closing you'd like to say to our listening audience?

Unknown Speaker 18:46
Well, the thing is that politics, many of us so many people dislike them. However, politics commands us, they is a political world that makes the world go round. And you must participate, you must vote. We need to vote particularly now when you have a party. And I've mentioned the Republican politics going a little haywire. And we need to kind of correct that. Because if we don't, we will be in a lot of trouble. I think. I mean, we have a guy running for Secretary of State who doesn't believe that we have a president on board already. But Joe Biden and the Secretary of State is wanting to really eliminate many of the progresses that we as a as a community as a state have accomplished so we need to vote we need to just take part in in the electoral process.

Unknown Speaker 19:46
All right, ladies and gentlemen out there veterans in particular since it's the Veteran Affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more and Mr. Jose Romero, thank you, man for for your comments and your words of wisdom and certainly agree we got a vote. Thanks, Fernando. Thank you, sir. Okay, thank you

Unknown Speaker 20:16
Good morning once again, this is 91.5, jazz and more with Veterans Affairs. I'm your host, Dave Washington. We have our final guests. Sheikha Holloway, how are you doing today, young lady?

Unknown Speaker 20:30
I'm doing good. How are you?

Unknown Speaker 20:32
I'm doing well. Doing well. I was certainly want to give you an opportunity to have you on on air and talking to folks out there in our community. Quick question. Are you a native Las Vegas?

Unknown Speaker 20:46
Yes, I was born and raised here. I really don't want to say my age. But it's been over 40 years. I've been

Unknown Speaker 20:51
wondering, Where did you go to school that

Unknown Speaker 20:56
I went to Rancho High School. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 20:59
Great, wonderful. Now, I asked you to be on here because certainly knowing that you are a young businesswoman, and my wife has been a customer of yours for many, many years. And I am one as well, working with your daughter. So please tell our listening audience about your business.

Unknown Speaker 21:21
I own a nail salon in the historical West Las Vegas. We've been open since 2019. But I've been in the business for over 30 years.

Unknown Speaker 21:35
So you buy at your current location, which is what is the address?

Unknown Speaker 21:40
It's 1100, North Martin Luther King, suite B. And the salon is called before and after nail boutique.

Unknown Speaker 21:49
We When and how did you decide to go into this particular type of business?

Unknown Speaker 21:54
I started off as a single mom and I wanted something that was a little bit more flexible for me to raise my children. So I decided to get into the beauty industry to you know, make the income for take care of my children, right. And I been to service lines around Las Vegas. And then I decided that I wanted to bring the salon back to my community to the west side of Las Vegas because we spend so much money and other communities and other places and other people's mail establishments. Right. And I wanted, I wanted to bring it to my community for my people to come and support us. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 22:40
you've been right around the corner from our house, man. Because I'd be talking about why didn't you just have your nails done? And she said, Yeah, and I'm trying to get them done again. So what are you? Why don't you ask? So I have to leave that alone? Look, I know that from what I know about this business, they are what they call stations inside the facility. How many stations do you have? And are there any open stations? And I say that for the purpose of maybe we can get some recruitment done to get you some folks who may be interested?

Unknown Speaker 23:14
Yes, we have a total of six stations. And we have free space in school. And we need we need three more people. So if there's anybody out there that's looking to become an entrepreneur in the nail industry. Come Come Look us up. The number here is 70278041. Free one, just give us a call and stop by the salon and take a look.

Unknown Speaker 23:41
So what is your hours of operation? and days and days I should say?

Unknown Speaker 23:49
Okay, we're open Tuesday through Saturday 9am to 6pm. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 23:56
9am to 6pm. Great. And so from a recruitment standpoint, I know that they I assume that there's several different places where students or folks who are wanting to get into this business, go learn their skills. And and I was just wondering, do you have any contact with them at all with respect to or do you want more seasoned folks to to feel those three stations that you have opened?

Unknown Speaker 24:27
No, I'll take student I'll take new graduates we will take seasoned seasoned veterans. It really doesn't matter. If you're newly into the business, I do not have a problem with helping you train you because I am a licensed nail instructor as well. Oh really? Oh, I don't. Yeah. I don't need you to be. I need you to know your craft. But we're here. I'm here to help help you build your craft.

Unknown Speaker 24:56
So I'm here. Sure. So someone who Who's fresh out of school? You can continue to coach them to enhance or hone their skill.

Unknown Speaker 25:09
Yes, yes, that's, that's a perfect that was one of the reasons I wanted to be here as well, to be able to help clients to help the entrepreneurial build. So they're able to grow and move on to their own establishment. I'm here as a stepping stone, I don't want anybody to just stay here forever, I want you to grow your business, and move on and open your own establishment. That is the purpose. For me being here. That

Unknown Speaker 25:36
is a great purpose. And I trust that God will continue to bless you. Because you have the right idea. I think as as business folks, the coaching of others, to hone your skill, and in the business part is something that sometimes people don't think about, see being a technician or whatever the title, and I don't want to butcher it. But what what is it? What is the proper title for, for wood? Who does nails, what is the proper time it definitely,

Unknown Speaker 26:03
it's manicure and nail technician, okay, nail check, it's, it's a couple of different ones. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 26:10
but I want to be respectful. So, again, for for the, for those who are out there who who may be listening in, and you're a student of this craft, there's opportunity for you and Miss Holloway is trained to, to help to enhance one of you who may be new and fresh at this business to grow that to include stepping out on your own, which is an honorable thing to do. Because having your own business is not an easy thing. But it's certainly an honorable thing. And it's an opportunity. And I liked what you said early on with respect to yourself being a single mom at the time that you were interested in doing this. So you could have more time with your children. That's, that's, that's quite an honorable thing for a young person to be willing to do. Because sometimes we know that that folks don't want to necessarily be the male or female, take care of their children. And you laid out a plan that allowed you to do that and do that well. So we appreciate you in doing what you're doing. Is there anything that you'd like to say in closing with respect to recruitment, etc, etc, with respect to your business, and your location and hours? Again, if you would repeat that, that would be great for the listening audience. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 27:29
the business name is before and after nail boutique. The address is 1100. North Martin Luther King, Las Vegas, Nevada 8910689106. And I love 8910. And I. And then the hours are Monday, I mean, Tuesday through Saturday 9am to 6pm

Unknown Speaker 27:59
with a call it is that is that your daughter here trying to tell you what it should be?

Unknown Speaker 28:05
No, that's actually my client. She's encouraging me. Because this whole radio basically, it made me a little nervous. So she's encouraging me in the background to keep on going.

Unknown Speaker 28:19
And who is your client? Just give you a first name client.

Unknown Speaker 28:24
Her name is Mina Mina. Hey, Nina,

Unknown Speaker 28:25
thank you for encouraging her because she needs to do this as a young business person.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
Of course, I love she got all

Unknown Speaker 28:35
right. Well, we appreciate your time, your effort. So continue to do what you do. And we know that God will continue to bless you. So once again, this is 91.5 Jazz and more with Veterans Affairs. And I'm Dave Washington, your host. So take care and we look forward to getting you back on again.

Unknown Speaker 28:54
Thank you so much. Have a great day. All right, take care.

Unknown Speaker 28:58
I must once again tell folks that look it's very important for you veterans who may need help to get a hold of Tony Marshall with 301-537-9465. And remember you guys vote vote vote. No matter who you vote for vote for somebody. Thank you all again. Talk to you next.

Unknown Speaker 29:48
Smoke in the tilde Hey, when they step on the pavement we

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Veteran's Affairs Plus November 2022
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