Uncovering African History: Dr. Anthony Browder on Re-Education, Artifacts, and Cultural Legacy

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Wesley Knight 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. You're listening to special programming sponsored by making moves, life coaching services. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You

Music 0:42
what's going on good

Dave Washington 0:47
day Las Vegas. This is Veterans Affairs, plus on 91.5 jazz and more. I'm Dave Washington, your host, extremely excited with the two guests I have coming up shortly. However, I got a couple announcements I need to make. First of all, want to help to celebrate the birthdays of Rose Washington bunch, neighbor of many, many years, anise fauna. Her birthday is this month. Jenny Gaines, one of Marsha's dance group. With those dance group, folks that she do over there at Pearson's Recreation Center, and also Margie cooks. His birthday is this month as well. We have a EDI golf tournament. We have two of them coming up in there. These are fundraisers. One on April 10 in Las Vegas. Jean Campbell, retired fire chief Eugene Campbell is assisting me here with that. Then on June 7 in New Orleans, we have Captain Ed Holmes as well as Quinton brown that's assisting with that. And before I move to our guests, I want to say that 47 and Jason always give that disclaimer. I'm not speaking for the university under no circumstances, but I just want to know that 47 is still doing his damage to the world, in my humble opinion, then we have more, which you will hear more about shortly, and that's coming in the desert, that's coming up this weekend, and we're going to hear more about that shortly. And then finally, I want to acknowledge my granddaughter, Amira, and her school, they got first place once again in the cheer competition down in Southern California. Mr. Oscar Robinson, would you introduce if you would be so kind, because I know you'll give him a much better introduction than I Dr Anthony

Oscar Robinson 2:36
Brower, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce Dr Browder. Dr Browder is a Author, Publisher, cultural historian, artist and educational consultant. He is a graduate of Howard University College of Fine Arts, and has lectured extensively throughout the United States, Africa, the Caribbean, Mexico, Japan and Europe and issues related to African and African American History and Culture. It is my pleasure to introduce to you my brother. Dr Anthony Tony Broderick,

Dave Washington 3:13
hello, Doug. Well, my

Anthony Browder 3:15
brother, thank you so much for the intro and one correction, I do not have a PhD. I appreciate you conferring an honorary degree on me, but I just wanted to make sure I set the record straight. You know what,

Dave Washington 3:31
Anthony, I looked that up because I said, is he? Does he have a PhD? Is it honorary? Because I hadn't seen it, because I've watched you a lot, brother to include, and I must say that I bought several of your your your merchandise is because I think it's important for us to teach our children and grandchildren, from my perspective, about what your teachings are. And that is that that map that you got that's maybe 12 foot, 16 foot long, and I show my grand, and I show my grandchild, look, this is what they teach us in school. They don't want you to go to beyond the slavery matter, because it keeps you trapped in this subservient type of attitude and mentality and Dr Paula, Dr Browder, speaking of my own doctor, Dr Pollard, my medical doctor. Dr Browder, is taking us beyond it to make us stand up and be the people who we are, who God wants us, God knows us to be. So my first question to you for our audience, Doc, Imma, still call you Doc as well as you Oscar, because of the work that you do. What inspired you to do that? Because I don't think you're a trained archeologist. Are you?

Anthony Browder 4:38
I'm not a trained archeologist. I'm not a trained public speaker, I'm not a trained researcher, I'm not a trained Egyptologist, I'm not a trained writer, but I've made my living doing all of these things for the past 20 plus years. So what I know to be a fact is that we are born in. Geniuses, and when we are properly educated, then what happens is a true educator brings out the genius that is in all of us. I was blessed to have been taught by some of the most brilliant African scholars who lived and my beginning in this particular endeavor happened 48 years ago. On this Friday, 48 years ago, 1977 I met Dr Ivan Van cerdema, who had just written They Came Before Columbus, the African presence in America. He showed the documentation showing that African people had built ships, navigated the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and made numerous voyages interacting with the indigenous people in the land mass that we call Mexico, in a body of water that some of us know as the Gulf of Mexico. And that he said, Van certima said that these people were from Africa and they were Egyptians. This is the first time in my life, brother that I ever heard anyone tell me that the ancient Egyptians were black. I've been out of college. I graduated from Howard University three years earlier I had been raised in the school systems in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois, and throughout my entire educational system, no one ever told me that the ancient Egyptians were black. That prompted me to begin my search for more African history and to uncover those historical facts that have been intentionally withheld from me.

Dave Washington 6:44
Mm, wow. Look, I want to come back to you, Oscar. Oscar, tell us about the event that's coming up. And in fact, how long have you been the leader of it? Oscar,

Oscar Robinson 6:54
well, the community in the desert series was founded in 2013 it was, it is designed to enlighten and awaken the community by bringing to Las Vegas master teachers of African and Egyptian history, religion and culture. Now first master teacher was Doctor Reno coroshi, who transitioned in Egypt in 2021 now it's our founder, Franklin G verly Mm hmm, transitioned in 2019 and we honor them both annually. Now this is our 12th annual came in desert series. It's going to be presented at the West Las Vegas Library theater, February the 21st and 22nd located at 951 West Lake Mead. It's it's always free and open to the general public, and it starts probably at 7pm so I've been at the helm of Kim in the desert since Franklin's transition in 2019

Dave Washington 7:47
Mm, okay. Now back, back to you, Doc, and I say that affectionately, man, because of the work that you've done. And like I said, I've watched a number of Facebooks. I've seen you do interviews with a brother who, believe it or not, he's at Howard has a radio show, and he was an advisor to me as fire chief, and my mind is going blank on who it was, but you did a an out rock Newman was an error. Rock Newman was one of my advisors when I was serving as fire chief, because they I went out and got me people who were doing things in this community that I know would help to give me strength and advice. Because, you know, I'm a hot head, and I roll and I and I try to make things happen. Doc, you were inspired to do this by the gentleman that you met, and you've been doing it such a long time. When did you actually start your work in Africa, and how long has it been? And I know that I've also seen something that you're going to be doing in terms of a tour to Europe. And I thought I never wanted to go to Europe to see things that had been taken from our country, but you but I saw where you said, Look, this is where it is. It's been stolen. It's up there, and you need to go see it. But anyway, give us some insight on that. Doc. So after

Anthony Browder 9:04
meeting Dr Van certima, who spoke at Georgetown Law School, he said that the ancient magicians were black. Now it just so happened at that same time, in 1977 the King Tut exhibit was at the National Gallery of Art. I had seen the exhibit prior to seeing Van certima, and because of the fact my training, my formal training and background, my degree is in graphic design and advertising, I went to see the exhibit through the eyes of an artist, and I was fascinated by the quality of the craftsmanship. After listening to Van certima and being told that these people were African, that they were black, I saw it again armed with the light of truth, and this time I saw a different exhibit. I could see my face in the images of this boy king. That's when I began to realize that I had been miseducated. I've always loved school. I've always loved learning. And I realized then that I had been miseducated, so I began the process of re educating myself. That's when I discovered books by Dr Ben, Dr Clark, Dr Jackson, Chancellor Williams and so many other scholars. In reading this information is what lit a fire under me, and I had the opportunity to travel to Egypt with Dr Ben in 1980 and those 13 days that I spent on the Nile with Dr Ben and a group of about 35 people, I believe, I saw with my own eyes information that had been withheld from me all my life. So I took this personal and I began the process of documenting my trip and then giving lectures. So I gave my very first lecture series. It was a seven part lecture series at the University of Maryland, February of 1982 and I had been lecturing extensively ever since then I became involved in organizing trips to Egypt. I did my first trip to Egypt, my first study tour to Egypt, in 1987 I've done, gosh, over 25 Study Tours since then. Probably have taken over 5000 people to Egypt in 2008 I began archeological excavations in Egypt. I created a project known as the ASA restoration project to honor my friend, my brother and my colleague, Asa Hilliard, who died in Egypt the year before. And we have, over the course of 15 years, we were the first people of African ancestry, black folk in the history of Egypt, to fund and fully participate in archeological excavations. We raised over $3 million over the past 15 years. We started off excavating 3/25 dynasty tombs, or Kushite tombs, on the west bank of Luxe Egypt. And at the end of last season, we found over 40 tunes. Wow. So we have been able to literally rewrite the history of ancient Egypt, specifically the history of the 25th dynasty. Once

Dave Washington 12:11
again, this is Veterans Affairs, plus on 91.5 jazz and more. Oscar, would you please give again the information? Because those who haven't seen his brother on Facebook or wherever the case may be. You have an opportunity to do so. Give that information please. Oscar, yes,

Oscar Robinson 12:27
Kim is the 12th annual. Kim it in the desert. Series will be presented at West Las Vegas Library theater on February the 21st and 22nd on February the 21st we will present the documentary global assignment, the life and times of Doctor Reno Corona, produced by Doctor Anthony Tony Browder. And Saturday night, our keynote speaker will be Doctor Anthony Tony Browder, and his topic will be, why Kim, it matters. It it starts probably at 7pm now, this year, the door is going to open at five, 5pm because we'll we'll hold a silent auction for our Kim it in the desert jury collection, sponsored by World gym Art Gallery and Nikki Michelle jury collection, who will be available to purchase through sharp catering. Also, we're off. We're raffling off a $100 Visa gift card each night to middle and high school students that actively participate in the Black Student Union. The students must be present. The students must present school ID and their union membership card.

Dave Washington 13:31
Absolutely, that gives more inspiration and more, you know, just we gotta keep our young people engaged. And you know, I buy books Dr Browder, and what I do is I lay him on the coffee table at my house, and I have my grandkids, you know, they come by and I say, You know what? And I used to take them to a bookstore. There's a couple of black bookstores in town, and I used to just buy them and then give them money for Christmas. But now I take them to the bookstore. You pick what you want to read. But even when I'm when I'm down, like I just came back, you know, as I continue to deal with my recover of my help, there's a black bookstore at Texas Southern University, so I went down and bought a bunch of books, and I lay them on the table and asked them to look at them and take what you will read, because I want them to know who they are as people and that strengthen us so. Dr, Browder, I am so pleased and honored to have this opportunity. And thank you, Oscar for bringing him to town. So tell us more. Doc, about your travels, if you would,

Anthony Browder 14:35
well, my travels, let me

Dave Washington 14:38
say let me say this, Doc, let me say this, Doc. And more importantly, the one that you're getting ready to do, I think sometime later on this year, that you're going to Europe.

Anthony Browder 14:45
Sure. Well, I, as I said, I've been taking groups to Egypt on our study tours. I believe in study tours, right? We don't travel to Africa as tours. We go as participants in. Pilgrimage. This is the sacred pilgrimage to go home and to see the history that has been denied us all of our lives. So these are study tours. We visit historical sites during the day. We have lectures in the evening, and it's designed to help us recover that which was stolen. So we've done trips to Egypt, to Mexico, to Ghana, Senegal, Gambia, the Ivory Coast, to South Africa. I'm giving Egypt a break. Wow. And instead, we're going to visit the greatest crime scenes in Europe. The greatest crime scenes in Europe. What do I mean by that? We're going to the British museum to see the wonderful artifacts that have been stolen from Africa. The Rosetta Stone is there in the British Museum, a portion of the beard of the sphinx that Napoleon shot off in 1798 is there in the British Museum. And then we're going to go to Paris to the louver, another crime scene where we will see the Zodiac of Dendera that was dynamited from the ceiling of this ancient temple and brought by Napoleon's troops back to the louver so dr Benn was absolutely correct when he said that if we want to study African history, we should go to the European museums, because that's where we will find on display, the artifacts that Europeans have been stealing from African people for centuries, in addition to the Yes, sir,

Dave Washington 16:31
yeah. Would you give a we can't talk about price here, but how can they make contact? They don't like, you know, when it's public broadcast stage, they don't like you, mentioning dollars, amounts, etc, etc. So if you would, I

Anthony Browder 16:43
got it, brother. Okay, I host the show at a public run radio station in DC, WPFW, part of the Pacifica network. So I get it. I understand. All right, so you can go to our website, which is www dot ikg Dash info.com. Ikg Dash info.com, you'll find information about this upcoming trip, July 17 through the 26th to London and Paris, and then you'll find information about our books, speaking engagements and other things that we've done. I want to say that with this upcoming trip, we're doing something very special in this trip, because we're going to focus primarily on the comedic or Egyptian collections in the British Museum and the louver that's our focus. We're not going to see the Mona Lisa, not going to see the Greek collections or the Roman collections. That's all there interest is us, our history and culture. So we're going to be led on the tour of the British Museum by Robin Walker, who is a brilliant scholar of British and Caribbean ancestry with a book entitled when we ruled, a phenomenal history book of Africa. So Robin is going to be our docent during the tour. We're going to do a black tour of London, and then we're going to top off that event with the lecture in the black community, with myself and a local scholar. And then we're going to jump across the English Channel and do the same thing in Paris. So brother, Reno co Rashidi, who we're honoring on Friday, spent a great deal of time in in Paris. His daughter lives in Paris with their mom, and so they're going to be joining us on that portion of the trip. So you'll have an opportunity to not only see African artifacts in the museum, but to be in the presence of African scholars in London and Paris, so that we can begin to cultivate Pan African connections with brothers and sisters who will be on our trip, and brothers and sisters that we'll be encountering in London and Paris.

Dave Washington 18:58
Absolutely, that is great. And I can tell you, if we were on TV, I'd be, you'd see me smiling, man, because this is so important to to share this kind of information. And I know that. And, you know, I got a number of friends who are Catholics, but I learned many, many years ago, we doing, we were doing something in Las Vegas. We were called the Nubian convincing cultural community, you know, using the case Swahili, and people told us we were crazy, and, you know, we were very Atro, Afro centric. And we also had a we had an art gallery and a bookstore. And our leader at the time, Denny Cassell, he told us, he said, You guys have no idea how much of our history is in vaults down at the Vatican. They know who we are. They know our strength. We are the ones who don't know so man, what you do, what you're doing in terms of this trip, is just outstanding. Oscar, once again, please inform our public on what they can do to ensure that they can get in on on Saturday night. In particular, hopefully both nights.

Oscar Robinson 20:01
Yes, we cordially invite you out to the 12th annual Kemet in the desert lecture series. Black weekend 2025 as we continue to advance the legacy of our founder, the late great Radio Hall of Famer Franklin Zweig early Friday and Saturday night, February the 21st and 22nd West Las Vegas, library, theater, 951, West Lake Mead trading. Time is 7pm those who open at 5pm for silent auction.

Dave Washington 20:29
Once again, this is Veterans Affairs, plus on 91.5 jazz and more have Oscar Robinson, who was a great producer, director of the Kemet in the desert program, and he has invited a brother who is world renowned. And I'm gonna tell you, if you just follow some of his work, you'll see that he's doing a tremendous job and in terms of informing us, teaching us. But now it doesn't stop there, because, brother, you have no idea how much you've inspired me to do, do further research, do further study, do more reading and sharing this with my own children and others. In fact, I'm planning to do a Saturday program, which I was going to start in 2026 but I got to start to be young before then, because we're losing too many of our black boys to the prison system. And it's going to be an African type studies curriculum where they will learn more about and Dr. Anthony Pollard, you will be Anthony, Lord have mercy. Paula Browder man, well, I'm trying to, I'm trying to get a appointment set up with my doctor, because my wife said, she said, Have you set up your appointment with your doctor? I said, No, but I'll do it. That's why I keep it. Keep crossing me up. But go ahead, Doc, give us share some more of these good, good jewels that you're sharing, man, with us, with our listening audience. And again, this is Veterans Affairs, plus on 91.5 jazz and more. And we're taped. Everybody knows this is a tape program, and I don't mind telling y'all, but it goes to podcast, so y'all will get to hear doc, after it airs on Saturday, it goes right up to to air time, and thanks to Wes, we will get it out to to our total listening audience. Those who didn't get to hear the show, go ahead. Doc,

Anthony Browder 22:13
fantastic. Well, Friday evening, as Oscar said, we're going to have the Las Vegas premiere of global assignment, the life and times of Doctor Reno Corona is a brother who was near and dear to all of us this this brother has traveled to over 134 countries, yes, around the world, visiting museums, Visiting far remote places, documenting the African presence, the pre enslavement African presence in countries around the world, and in sharing this information lectures and publications. So this film documents the life of a brother who left us much too soon. Brother, Reno co also died in Egypt as he was about to begin a conference, and so we're honoring him by telling his story. The audience will find that, that movie, that documentary, Friday evening, quite fascinating. And then Saturday evening I'll be doing my presentation. Why? Kim? It matters. Kim. It is the original name for the country that the Greeks renamed, Egypt. We talking about the relevancy of history. So I'm not just going to be focusing on the past. I know what my teacher, John Henry Clark taught me, that all history is the current event. So the things that we're going through right now with the current occupant of the White House rolling back gains that were made, there's nothing new. Woodrow Wilson did the same thing when he became president. Woodrow Wilson screened Birth of a Nation in the White House. Woodrow Wilson fired or demoted all of the black federal employees. So we're seeing history repeating itself. That's why we study history, so that we can understand our successes and our failures, and we know how to move, when to move, and who to move with. Why do I say that? Because all skin folk ain't kinfolk. That's right, folk that we should leave behind. You know, I would strive to lift ourselves up. You

Dave Washington 24:15
know, Anthony, I was working on something, and then my good friend Frank Hawkins told me, No, don't do that, because I was trying to invite a bunch of brothers together to talk about some things. But my angle was, you know, we can't sit around and continue to be disjointed in terms of hating one another man, but he say, are you going to do is stir up more stuff if you want to do it in a different angle, just because nobody's going to take care of black folks, but black folks, and that's obvious. And as you say, as history continues to repeat itself, we keep seeing the same thing. So why is everybody so doggone surprise. What can we do? And I'm telling you, Brother, what you are doing, and I'm going to continue to encourage and talk about you and Oscar, even on other programs when you're not here, because I'm going to encourage. Encourage them. Whatever Oscar may be doing in Memphis, I know it's gonna have a serious meaning to it, and it's going to to put some, as a friend of mine, you say, put some fat on your head. And I'm talking about some knowledge. And what you guys and brother, Rossi, I'ma tell you, man, I have two of his books, and he talks about when the world when the world was black. And as you has already mentioned, Doc, this man has been all over the world. Man, he's been where he's seen where, you know, it's somebody black because they've chopped off the nose, they've chopped off the lips, and this brother has researched this stuff. Man, so again, what you guys are doing, man, is so important to us, to our world as a people. And I'm a big fan of Dr Greg Carr, and he is a big fan of yours. No doubt in the work that you've done and continue to do, man, is just so God given to us as people. And I'm going to continue to try to mount the posse to get people to to pick up your your merch, and listen to some of the the times that you have spoken at different conferences and what have you that's out there floating around in Facebook, brothers, we got about four. Go ahead. Go ahead. Ask. Okay. Let

Anthony Browder 26:14
me add this, if I may, hear about about us doing more to save our young people, our young males specifically, but we have a program where I've been going out to California for eight years, working specifically with black children in predominantly white high schools, pulling them out of class during a special session where I was teaching them their history. So my daughter joined me being an educator herself, she wrote a curriculum that took my program to the next level. So we took that program national. We were in 12 different cities. We structured it as a Saturday Academy. So we're going to be making this program available to anyone in the world who wants to use our curriculum. I'll be referencing that when I speak on Saturday. Great. But also, people can go to our website and find information about the CIP, the cultural Initiative Program, okay, which is a Saturday academy that runs a minimum of 12 weeks where we teach, we teach our children our history. Absolutely,

Dave Washington 27:19
that's great. Oscar, we got about a minute and a half. Imma give it to you, my brother. To close this out,

Oscar Robinson 27:24
once again, we quickly invite you out to see our 12th annual Kennedy desert lecture series as we continue to elevate and advance the legacy of our founder, Franklin G Verney, February the 21st and 22nd West Las Vegas, library, theater, 951, West Lake me 7pm Friday night, we're going to show the documentary global assignment, the life and times of Doctor Reno coro. And Saturday night, we're going to have that dynamic Doctor Anthony Tony Browder speaking on why Kim, it matters. You don't want to miss it

Dave Washington 28:01
absolutely. Thank you once again, Las Vegas. This is Veterans Affairs plus on 91.5 jazz and more with that, Oscar, thank you again for hooking this up for me, brother. I appreciate you so much. My pleasure. All right, we will talk again next Saturday. This is Veterans Affairs plus On 91.5 jazz and more. You

Music 28:40
Oh, all the smoke in the air till they hate when they stare, all the pain that we bear, all you wear.

Uncovering African History: Dr. Anthony Browder on Re-Education, Artifacts, and Cultural Legacy
Broadcast by