Empowering Youth Through Golf: Dave Washington and Jim Hart on Junior Programs, Scholarships, and Community Legacy
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Wesley Knight
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Dave Washington
Good day Los Vegas, this is Vegetables and Fares Plus on 91.3 FM. Dave Washington, your host. I got my daughter Amber here who is going to be my sidekick. As you can hear, my voice is kind of raspy. It's from this medication that I'm taking as I go through this final phase of the chemo treatment.
Dave/Amber Washington
With that, once again, we appreciate the opportunity to be here. We're actually taping on Christmas Eve. Ain't that something? I got Wes, our wonderful engineer and director, to come in and get this going. And I got my youngest daughter, Amber, to sit in with me just in case my voice totally good.
Dave/Amber Washington
She's really a dancer, but she'll be able to just step up and handle the business as needed. So, with that, I certainly want to recognize Avery Campbell, Mike Armagon, deceased, Theo Adams, deceased, they're ancestors now, but these three gentlemen, their birthdays are this month, and we certainly did mention several other ones this month. Also, I want to remind folks that Lonnie Carter's services will be on 12-28.
Dave/Amber Washington
I don't have the location, but you can look that up. And also we have on the line shortly, we will have our guest and I can hear his phone kind of making some rattling sound. But Mr. Jim Hart with the Valley View Jugger Golf Program. So we'll have him come on it shortly. Last week, we did in memoriam of a number of folks who had who are now ancestors, so we're gonna continue that because I had one guest who couldn't make it this afternoon. So we're gonna make sure we fill it in with that and it's something that I thought was important.
Dave/Amber Washington
We want families to know that we have not forgotten those who have gone on to the other side. With that, I'm gonna introduce Mr. Jim Hart. How you doing, Jim? I'm doing great, Dave. How are you doing?
Dave/Amber Washington
Hanging in there, my brother, hanging in there. So Jim, you got any military background at all?
Jim Hart
No I don't. I didn't have an opportunity to serve.
Dave/Amber Washington
Not a problem. How long have you been golfing? I know that's one of your big time things that you do and you've been doing it for a while and I watch you play and I play with you and I am no competition for you. Well, these days you might be. But I actually started when I was a kid.
Dave/Amber Washington
My dad was a pretty good golfer in Chicago. I was about five years old and he had me out putting and playing and I got kind of interested in it. But then I stopped and didn't play for a long time. The family moved to California and I've been playing ever since. So for those, it's about 30, 35 years or so.
Dave/Amber Washington
Okay. So for those who don't know out there in our listening audience, I'll have Jim to explain your handy, what's your handicap and explain that to the folks, if you will. Well, my handicap right now is pretty high because after we came off of COVID, I hadn't played
Dave/Amber Washington
for a while. But a handicap is what allows you to be able to play with players of all abilities. And based on the rounds of golf you play, then a number is assigned to what your handicap would be. And so it allows if someone has a very low handicap, they have a larger number or a larger index.
Dave/Amber Washington
And so what happens is, because they have a higher index, they get credit, you can say, and so that they can play with the lower handicapped person that has a lower handicap that's a better player. So it kind of helps balance this out. Golf has several things it does that allows you to be able to play with all levels of players at the same time.
Dave/Amber Washington
So for example, last time I played I was a 20. So that means I get like 20 strokes or?
Jim Hart
Dave/Amber Washington
You would get 20 strokes compared to someone who was a 1 or 2 or 0 handicap. one or two or zero handicap, that card would be evened out for the scoring. Right. Okay? You know, when I learned to play, and I know a lot of guys don't prescribe to this, and I was talking with my Uncle L.C. the other day, and I won't call the gentleman out who
Dave/Amber Washington
will never give up a stroke. When I started playing with Mr. Bell and some of the old gentlemen, James Walker, Ray Feaster, etc., etc., those guys said, if you beat somebody three or four times in a row, it's a gentleman's game. Give up a stroke or two. But some people say you just need to play better.
Dave/Amber Washington
Go practice.
Dave Washington
Oh my goodness.
Dave/Amber Washington
But anyway, it's a fun— Well, I know those gentlemen you're talking about and I understand because periodically I get to play with them on Saturdays around town. I don't get to play with them all the time because I have the junior program in the afternoon and so I never want to miss that if I can. Perfect segue into the junior golf program.
Dave/Amber Washington
Tell us a little bit about it. How did it come about and your involvement in that, Jim?
Jim Hart
So there's two parts for me. program that I helped develop and how I got involved with Valley View and the Junior Golf program. I was a member of Valley View, and there were three gentlemen, Johnny Griffin, Paul Pradia, and Lee Daniels, and they were running the Valley View Junior Golf program. They got with me and asked if I could help with them.
Jim Hart
I am a certified instructor, and so I already had a junior program, and I said, well, let's kind of work together so we can bring more kids in and have more participation, and we can get hopefully better access to driving ranges and courses and that sort of thing. So that happened around 96, 97. Like I said, they had already been going with a group, and then we expanded the group and got bigger and started bringing more kids.
Jim Hart
It's a great program where the kids get to come out, and we've been running it on Thursday nights. I've had it going since then, since, like I said, 1996-1997. It's on Thursday nights out at Las Vegas Golf Club, Muni, and we start about 5.30 and we run, well, when it's cold, we run until 6.30, maybe just an hour. But during the summer, the spring and summer, we will, as we have more daylight, we stay out longer. So we'll go to, sometimes in the summer, we may run as late as 8 o'clock, 5.30 to 8 o'clock.
Jim Hart
And it gives the kids a chance to come out and hit balls. They know that there's some place, the families know there's some place they can always come out and participate in golf, no matter if they've missed a few weeks or not. It doesn't matter because when they come out, we're working with them based on where they are in the flow of the process. So if we're working on grip, if it's a more advanced player, we'll talk to them a little
Jim Hart
bit more advanced about the grip and what they need to be working on that day. And if someone had just came, we'll be working on talking to them about the different three different basic grips and trying to get them to learn how to grip the club and get them striking the ball.
Dave/Amber Washington
But we get them hitting balls right the first day they come out. And you said that you're a certified instructor. So you're a PGA associated prior to getting involved with the Valley View Zoom program? Yeah, I'm actually certified through the United States Golf Teachers Federation, not the PGA. Yeah, but I do a lot with the PGA here in town. In 2023, I was inducted into the Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame.
Dave/Amber Washington
Jim Hart
and uh... a lot of that is because of my involvement las vegas community uh... with golf overall not only just junior golf but a big push in junior golf that's where my i'd like to make my emphasis so that we can work on our young people
Dave/Amber Washington
so again give us the times and dates that you actually conduct your sessions
Jim Hart
so uh... we will have one more session on Saturday the 28th and this year and then we'll shut down and we won't do anything until probably the last week in January depending on the weather. But our days are going to be Thursdays at 5 30 in the evening at Las Vegas Golf Club and both of them are both at the same place. And then on Saturday, we come out at 3.30 in the afternoon. And so we work on from beginners to we have advanced players.
Jim Hart
Some of our best juniors in town actually are part of our program. We have some top juniors, and they not only compete here locally, but they've been able to compete around the country. So that's kind of nice and giving them some exposure. And our focus is hopefully to be able to help them get into college with a golf scholarship or partial golf scholarship or just get into college. Sometimes the kids that come to our program don't go into golf, but because of our encouragement and the other things that we do along with the golf to help them
Jim Hart
with their education and just them being better people helps them get into college. So we've had a pretty good track record.
Dave/Amber Washington
Absolutely, yeah. In fact, Gene Campbell's son, former Fire Chief Gene Campbell, his son played at Prairie View on a golf scholarship. So Jim, give us a website or is there any age group? We've got a couple more minutes to wrap this up. So give us an indication of any age group or age requirements or restrictions.
Jim Hart
All right.
Dave/Amber Washington
So what I do, I like to start them at six and then they can go on because we have a lot of our college kids even come back and work with us throughout the year when they're home. But usually start around six, and that's because of focus. We wanna be able, usually around six, their attention span's a little better,
Dave/Amber Washington
and we wanna be safe. But every now and then, I'm gonna say, we've had some young people that have been five and have come in, and we'll take a look at them and see how their attention span is doing, and then we decide from there.
Dave/Amber Washington
But usually it starts at six and then, and a lot of kids kind of think, oh I'm 16, I'm a junior in high school, it might be too late. No. Learn, it's nothing else just to learn the game and have the fun of
Jim Hart
playing the game.
Dave/Amber Washington
Sure, so how would a parent get a hold of you too if they have a child that's interested? Can you give us that in some closing remarks? Right. What they can do is right now I would have them, my number is 702-521-8537. They can call me or text me and say they're interested and then I'll get back to them. The other thing, or they can just come out and
Dave/Amber Washington
we'll get all their information then. They can also call and always check with the golf course, Las Vegas Golf Club, and just say, just checking to see if Jim Hart has the program running right now on Thursdays, then they'll know. Or they'll, if they need, if they don't have my number or anything, the golf course has it. All right, Jim, this is, we were with Mr. Jim Hart this morning. Father of the Junior Golf Program. Jim we appreciate you and continue the good great work that you're doing. This is Veterans Affairs Plus on 91.5 Jazz and
Dave/Amber Washington
More. We'll be back on the other side. Once again good day Las Vegas. This is Veterans Affairs Plus on 91.5 Jazz and More. We just had Mr. Jim Hart, who is the lead for Valley View Junior Golf Program. He's done a phenomenal job. In fact, I know that a number of those young folks are playing around the country and they done some pretty good, brought some pretty good trophies back home.
Dave/Amber Washington
So we appreciate the work that Jim has done over the years and he mentioned Paul Pradia, Johnny Griffin, and also what's the other gentleman? Gosh, Paul Pradia. Did I say Paul Pradia already? Oh, one of my coaches, Mr. Daniels, Lee Daniels, Lee Daniels. Stop trying to hit the ball, Dave Washington. Swing through the ball. Okay. All Okay, all right. And I know Luke Young also participated in it with that group. So, once again, I just want to thank Jim for what he added to the show today,
Dave/Amber Washington
and we will get back with him as he continues his work with our Junior Golf Program. Speaking of golf, the Carl Holmes Executive Development Institute has a scholarship fundraiser. It's a memorial tournament honoring Chiefs Hershel Clady and William Spike Jones. This will occur on the actual tournament. Well, it's a two day. They're going to have a practice round on the 9th, but the actual tournament, a shotgun, will be on the 10th.
Dave/Amber Washington
And we are seeking foursomes to get involved in the tournament. you can contact me at my telephone number 702-277-7121. That's Dave Washington, and I'm also the president of the Carl Holmes Executive Development Institute. So we're going to try to get at least 60 golfers out there so we can get things going and ensure that we raise some money for our scholarship fund. So with that, we're going to now go into the memoriam that we started last week with some of our ancestors
Dave/Amber Washington
who have gone on to the other side. And I'm going to start out with Ms. Jean Starchild. Jean passed away last year and Jean was a long time employee over at EOB and she did a lot of things with young people. So just want her family to know
Dave/Amber Washington
that we've not forgotten about Jean. And these are not in any particular order. Another person that was just a wonderful person to have known, and that's Bonnie Belinda Fairchild Bryant. Bonnie's dash was June 24, 1939 through June 30, 2016. Why do I bring up Bonnie?
Dave/Amber Washington
Because Bonnie was such a, she was just a great person for our community. And of course, her husband was United States Senator Richard Bryan. They were just a great people to be around, always, never fake and phony and all that kind of stuff. Just great people to be around. So just wanted to acknowledge her as well. And then another colleague, Bernie Rose, his dash was June 8, 1961 through October 28, 2023.
Dave/Amber Washington
Just a great guy. His brother, Captain Andre, well, both of them were captains for Las Vegas Fire and Rescue. So he's an ancestor and I just want to let folks know we've not forgotten about him. Another ancestor and colleague, Luke Mohn, Sultan Luke Mohn Abdus Salaam. Salon. His death was November 20, 1945. And I realized Luke was as old as he was, but
Dave/Amber Washington
he passed away December 5, 2023. Just want to say, you know, we've not forgotten about that brother. Another dear friend and one of my mentors, Larry P. Powell, Sr. December 1938 through April 30, 2023. Larry, I didn't even realize was a veteran and Larry was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. We miss Larry, his wife, Pat. She just came off a big trip. Something that he and she and Larry always did was did a lot of traveling. So we've not forgotten about him. With that, Amber, I want you to cover a couple of folks that you have that I'd like you,
Dave/Amber Washington
as I give my voice a little bit of rest. So Amber is going to come in and cover a couple of people for me. One of the people is my father-in-law, Mike. Well, his first name was Logan Nothen, but we all know him by Mike Armagam. He passed away last year in May and his birthday would be December 31st this year if he was still here with us.
Dave/Amber Washington
And we truly miss all of his prayers, all the prayers that he would give for the family and his cooking, his curry skills, making of curry and roti and all the things. Absolutely. Absolutely, yeah. Let me just say that Mike was, he was one of the top-notch prayer warriors that I've known in my lifetime. And as Amber mentioned, the curry man, that lamb curry was swinging. Mike was always able to take care of that. And I don't think his son, Nathan,
Dave/Amber Washington
has mastered it. He's tried, but ain't nothing like Mike. Not lamb, though. Nathan does the other curries. No, I know, I'm just saying the lamb that Mike did was unmatchable by most folks, including restaurants. Go ahead. Another person is my grandmother,
Dave/Amber Washington
my dad's mother, Eugenia Washington. She passed away back in 2005, two years before our oldest daughter was born and grandma never met her but we have a youngest daughter Amira that we all know she lives through. The attitude, the spunkiness, the sassy, the all the things we can all see grandma through her. The just feisty. Yes. Little and little and ready to fight and argue, debate at all times. Hollywood. And she's a cheerleader. Yes, but she wants to do track now. So, okay,
Dave/Amber Washington
Amira. And lastly, Jacqueline Williams, she was a neighbor back when we were in elementary school lived down on Ralston as well and She passed away just earlier this year and she happened to pass away on my mom's birthday February 8th, so she's Missed I'm sure truly by her family and all those and I don't know if daddy has this this person on his list but um Benny Cassell, I'm Benny uh Scott, sorry Benny Scott passed away um a few years ago and I know he was a good friend of daddy's as well and the last person um I'm going
Dave/Amber Washington
to speak about is my aunt Kat that passed um a few months ago of cancer. She was one that fought
Amber Washington
long and hard and we just want everybody to know that we truly miss her.
Dave Washington
Good job, Amber.
Dave/Amber Washington
You stepped in and did a great job. I will continue now. Once again, this is Veterans Affairs Plus on 91.5, Jazz and More. Honoring the legacy of Mr. Herman Lee Moody. Herman Lee Moody was one of the first police officers
Dave/Amber Washington
in our city and Mr. Moody was a great guy. In fact, he did the slab for our house over in Bonanza Village. He was an outstanding individual, always cool, calm, and collected. I've never saw Mr. Moody who reminds me, well, I'd say a little lad reminds me of Mr. Moody because I never saw him get angry. He was always cool, calm, and collected.
Dave/Amber Washington
But I just want his family to know we have not forgotten about Mr. Herman Moody. Next, I want to speak about Miss Eva Whaley. Her dash was November 22, 1942, June 1, 2023. She was one of my advisors and also she was a chaplain for Las Vegas Fire and Rescue. And I know that when we have promotions and or fire station dedications, I would have one of our chaplains to come in and she would come in and she would do a prayer and she would say Amen in the name of Jesus Christ and a lot of people told me you probably should tell her not to say Jesus Christ
Dave/Amber Washington
I say first of all i'm not telling her anything because she is Trained chaplains generally and i've heard i've said this before on the show They are non-denominational as they speak. They don't speak with any particular person, deity, etc. But if you're not trained, you're going to go with your discipline. We also had a rabbi, Rabbi Heck. So I told him, I'm not telling her anything, but I also tell people, if you don't want to be a part of the prayer, you can step outside the room.
Dave/Amber Washington
No one ever left the room, Amber, because they know that we are in a dangerous profession, I don't care if it's a secretary or wherever the person worked and they were being promoted. I thought it was important for us to acknowledge them through prayer. And Ms. Eva Whaley would sometimes, she would call me and she had no idea when I
Dave/Amber Washington
was really going through some stuff. So I really appreciate her. And she's gone to the other side now. We will never forget you, Pastor Eva Whaley. And on the home front here, John Nash. John taught me quite a bit about being a talk show host and John was always talking trash.
Dave/Amber Washington
We miss John so much. was December 7, 1955, July 13, 2023. Just a great, great person. He was a musician, as well as a on-air personality here at 91.5 Jazz and More. Another colleague, his dash was November 11, 1939, May 27, 2023. That's Cotus Simmons. He was a hazmat tech. In fact, I worked over at Station 3 at Washington and Rancho with Brother Leonard Ladd. So, he was a soldier. He was a United States Army officer. Well, he wasn't an officer, but he could have been
Dave/Amber Washington
an officer because I didn't realize until Cotus had passed. Cotus had his bachelor's degree, but again, Cotus, we have not, to your family, we've not forgotten about him and the greatness that he brought to our department and also to our organization. In fact, he, L.C. Kennedy, and Ray Fee, they told me, you better not let anybody run you off from your job as a fire chief. You better handle your business. You be a man and you stand up and be counted. Wes just gave me the number, so we're in good shape, Amber. I think I'll be able to get through the full number that we have here.
Dave/Amber Washington
Look, the next person, but again, we haven't forgotten about CODIS. The next one is a legacy person here with Dr. William Sullivan. Dr. William Sullivan was such a great guy, man. You know, had that million dollar smile.
Dave/Amber Washington
He did so much for young people. There are several people that I know gone on to be attorneys. There, even our city attorney was one of the people who came through Dr. Sullivan's program here at the university. So again, Doc, your family, your wife, Cherie, we won't forget you, man, because of the tremendous work you did here at UNLV. Next person is Ruth Newman-Hicks. And Ruth, I wish I had gotten something done with Ruth along with other members, Kerry Newman. These are on the Newman side of my mother's family because she was a Wacken, but her mother's
Dave/Amber Washington
maiden name was Newman. And I never really got a chance to really talk to them to get some history and background on those family. But Ruth's dash was November 26, 1936 through January 23, 2024. So just want Ruth's son to know that we've not forgotten about your mom and the tremendous work she did as an educator Calvin Bubba Washington. This is my cousin. He was a basketball phenomenon.
Dave/Amber Washington
He played at Western High School and went on to college and was just a great person who always kept the family together. One of the ones who really pushed for our family reunions every year. So once again, Bubba, we have not forgotten about you, my man. And then this gentleman right here, one of the people I learned how to golf, he said to me one day as I was on the golf course, Washington, Washington, you got a meeting to go to.
Dave/Amber Washington
Where you got to go? Where you got to go? I said, nowhere, Mr. Bell, Mr. James Bell, Sr., Junior Bell's father. He would get on my case and say, you need to slow down. If you just slow down, you'll have a better game of golf, David Washington. If you don't have a meeting to go to, just slow yourself down. And he never hit the ball very long. He was in his 80s when I met him. He was in his late 70s
Dave/Amber Washington
or early 80s. But always right down the middle of the fairway, like my armor guy. Very short, but nice golf game. So, Mr. Bell, we've not forgotten you. And we want your family to know that we have not forgotten you. And I just wanted to do that in honor of the folks who've gone on to the other side and wanted them to know that, hey, we've not forgotten you and we want your family to know that you will always be in our hearts. So I appreciate the opportunity to at least say some words about those folks.
Dave/Amber Washington
Amber, you got anything you want to say in closing? Yeah, I was thinking about grandma, mama's mama, Mary found past several years ago now, Aunt Georgie, William, and you know, thinking about Leonard Ladd when you mentioned him. It's just gone too soon, so many people. Well, only God knows why.
Dave/Amber Washington
But anyway, once again, this is Veterans Affairs. Plus, we thought it was important to, at a minimum, mention some of these folks who've made that transition. And once again, I want to mention Service Officer Tony Marshall, 301-537-9465 if you got any need for benefits. You can't just walk into his office. So once again, thanks everybody.
Dave/Amber Washington
This is Veterans Affairs Plus on 91.5 Jazz and More. See you next Saturday.
Amber Washington
I'm gonna talk to you next Saturday.
Dave Washington
Bye. Good luck. All the smoke in the air, till the hate when they stare, all the pain that we bear, on All the smoke in the air, till the hate when they stare, all the pain that we bear, on you baby.
Transcribed with Cockatoo