Building Strong Communities: A Conversation on Service, Entrepreneurship, and Inclusion

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a KU envy studios original program. You're listening to special programming sponsored by making moves life coaching services, the content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
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Unknown Speaker 0:50
Good morning, once again, Las Vegas, this is pensions affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz and I'm the boss into your host. And we have a couple of guests that will have on today. And for always trying to be transparent. The first guest, Brian Rowland, he's my nephew. So that is understood. But he's a great young me, prior to me, bringing Brian in, I just want to say once again, something that I haven't covered in in a couple of shows since I've been off. But remember, I've been harping on the need for us to make contact with our federal delegation to deal with

Unknown Speaker 1:29
the lack of

Unknown Speaker 1:32
the systems, if you will, for retro pay to families of firefighters or domestic warriors who have died

Unknown Speaker 1:42
with cancer after having retired for a number of years, but the bottom line is with cancer and I'm not even speaking on my own case. But generally speaking, you have no idea when it may jump up and and cause harm to you, your body, your family, and that disruption. So I just think that we need to call upon them as we send money all over the world to various conscious to fight and do things for for their country, man, we got to think about our own folks below. Some firefighters did not go to war as military veterans. They're in a war zone daily in their profession as firefighters, so just want to keep that in mind and encourage people to do less speak up, speak out about it because it's wrong. And we can do a better job with that now fold into my first guest. Again. He's a local business man, how you doing this morning, Brian? How you doing Uncle Dave? I'm doing well doing well. Tell us a little bit about yourself. So people will have an understanding who Brian is and what he's been doing in the city of Las Vegas as a businessman. And prior to that prior to becoming a businessman.

Unknown Speaker 2:54
Well, I was a native from Las Vegas. I was born in 1972 with a Women's Hospital here in Vegas. Unfortunately, I was raised back and forth from California. So I graduated high school in San Bernardino, California. I ended up going to college for a little while and that's when I really developed a love of cutting hair. When I went to college actually I was cutting hair in my dorm.

Unknown Speaker 3:18
So I went to college for about three years I didn't finish and I decided to go to barber school. When I went to barber school it was a completely life changing experience for me awkward days.

Unknown Speaker 3:32

Unknown Speaker 3:34
So as a result of you're going into that school, I know you've worked at a number of a number. I don't know what the number is. You worked at different shots before you decided to do something on your own. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I was fortunate to work with some good guys that owned barber shops here in Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 3:54
Henderson worked at headhunters and with Darrell Talley, and I started with a cut above Mike Jones to mon Kurt. I'm not sure if a lot of people for me with him, but they were like the first pioneers in Las Vegas that had multiple barber shops. So I started with them. And then I went with Marcus Allen for a little while. So I've been under some good guys that own businesses that successful here in Vegas. I learned about a good deal from these guys.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
So that's great. So you, where are you located? And how long have you been there? Okay, I'm 6415 South Fort Apache. It's in the Spring Valley area. I've been here now about seven months. And we took over the barber shop we named a barber shop Politics, Politics barber shop.

Unknown Speaker 4:46
So give us some background. Why did you select that

Unknown Speaker 4:49
will be coming up in the barber shop and men in the barber shop all my life. I heard a lot of conversations. And

Unknown Speaker 4:57
you hear a lot of conversations in the barber shop

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Hear you know politics about basketball politics about who's the best rapper is politics about politics you know what I mean? So I said we need to have a place in his name, one name, I didn't want to name nothing blade, fade haircuts, nothing like that I want to just name name something that we deal with every day, we all deal with politics some type of way.

Unknown Speaker 5:23
Very true. Very true. In fact, you know, in the fire service, some guys they say I don't want to be involved in politics or politics happen in the in the fire station, you know, at the kitchen table, people have discussions about various issues and I know that barbershops have been a place where the fellows and also beauty shop for women, they commune there and talk about different issues that are going on. So I think is the perfect name. So do you have a website or a means of people getting in contact with you may or may want to come come? Yes, sir. You can give us a call area code 702-268-7486. And like again, we have 6415 South Fort Apache. I do have a website lv, and we're getting a website put up next. Now you have in there with what they call seats. So how is that operated? How many seats do you have as far as barbers and are you a capacity?

Unknown Speaker 6:30
I have a 10 man barber shop with myself cutting here and here it's a nine barber shop as of right now it's only five of us kind of hand picking these barbers and picking barbers I want good quality barbers and barbers this kind of serious about the class you know what I mean? So I do have open chairs but I'm real estate.

Unknown Speaker 6:50
So what So what do you look for in terms of you say you want quality? What are you looking for? And more specifically, I'm allowed to use my barber shop and I know that you know your each Barber is an independent contractor and able to do what they want come to work when they want. I want barbers that want to come to work man and want to abide by certain rules. Now what you're doing when you're not at the barbershop, that's fine. I just want the barber shop to be respected in a in a positive way. Not a negative way.

Unknown Speaker 7:20
Okay, sir. That's a good concept. I mean, when you're talking about employing people, even though they're like you say they're, they're self contained. It's their own particular business, but they're inside the umbrella of your shop.

Unknown Speaker 7:35
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. They are. They are independent contractors. They all Team 99.

Unknown Speaker 7:41
So you say you so some of the ones that you have now have they come from the local barber schools or outside of Las Vegas, or combination of both? I have two barbers that's outside of Las Vegas and I do have two barbers that's from the local barber school here in Las Vegas, but they've been cutting hair for over 1010 years a piece already they experienced barbers

Unknown Speaker 8:05
Nixon so I assume when you're an independent contractor, you will have to build your own base of of clientele.

Unknown Speaker 8:14
Yes, sir. Yes sir. I do certain things for the barbers here provide a nice location provide a good environment. Now I do do some advertising for the barber shop. But it is it is wise for certain people to get out and pass cars and get out and be community people and be you know a people's person.

Unknown Speaker 8:36
All right, well, as we wind down on time, again, I'm happy to have have gotten you on the show because when we first tried you had just opened up and was very, very busy. So I had your business partner and longtime friend and anything you'd like to add about him as we close out today. Listen, man, dear Shannon, none of this stuff will be possible without this brother. This brother had the mindset of like Black Wall Street. I had a vision he believed in my vision and invested in me and helped me get something that I've been dreaming about all my life. If we had this concept amongst our community we could have been had multiple black streets across this country again, but for some reason we don't we don't use the

Unknown Speaker 9:24
extend a hand to someone that have a dream and it's not your dream, you know what I mean? So this right here did happen the way it happened right here man was like, what like a blessing. You know what I mean? And

Unknown Speaker 9:35
another thing I think the universe for everything and bless me for everything and how I got here. I really do.

Unknown Speaker 9:43
In the way you a blessing to our community, young man, I can tell you once again, this is Veterans Affairs plus on any 1.5 Jazz and more. I'm Dave Washington, your host I had my young entrepreneurial nephew

Unknown Speaker 9:59

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Show today talking about his business. And again, Brian, give give the background information so people know where you are and how to get a hold of you, please. 6415 South Florida patchy, sweet one to one. That's politics, barbershop Area code 702-268-7486. Thank you, Uncle Dave, I love you till now I'd

Unknown Speaker 10:21
love you to keep on Brandon teacakes for you for you laid

Unknown Speaker 10:26

Unknown Speaker 10:27

Unknown Speaker 10:29
All right, right. Again.

Unknown Speaker 10:31
This is a young entrepreneur, he's a barber. And he's a very skilled barber who cut their hair of many, many famous people, not that there's necessarily any calling card, but local folks, you know, he are very no complaints about how he operates. So, once again, appreciate you and we'll get you back on again, as you journey through I know you see been only seven months. But I know God's gonna bless you because you're doing the right kinds of things, employing people well, allowing them in as a private contract. So thanks for once again. Yes, sir. Thank you. Oh, good days.

Unknown Speaker 11:08
All right. Once again, this is Veterans Affairs, plus on any 1.5 years or more, we'll be back on the other side. With Dr. Jeff, you can longtime municipal employee

Unknown Speaker 11:26
Good morning, once again, in Las Vegas, this is Texas affairs plus on 91.5 Jazz animal, Andy Washington, your host and pleased to be back on online with you all.

Unknown Speaker 11:38
Once again, thank retired Fire TV Jean cannon before sitting in for me for a couple of shows. And I'm pleased to be back. And this is the first on our remote sad for me not being in the studio. And I want to thank Wes for for keeping me on track here. And it's a little bit more difficult, if you will, but we think the shows that we bring are important to you. And again, on the line. I have

Unknown Speaker 12:04
a retired fire chief. He's a city manager, and just a longtime, excellent municipal employee. And that is Dr. Jeff

Unknown Speaker 12:16

Unknown Speaker 12:18
How you doing Jeff? This morning, sir.

Unknown Speaker 12:20
It's my brother. I'm doing great and really excited to be here. Thanks for having me on the show.

Unknown Speaker 12:27
Very great. Well, I know you got a lot going on in your world. Just tell me tell our listening audience I should say Jeff, about a little bit about you local, I'd say good guy, just generally a good guy and done a lot of work in, in our municipalities.

Unknown Speaker 12:43
Yeah. Well, thank you. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss a little bit about my story. I appreciate that. Well, I moved to Las Vegas area in 1996, after graduating from Michigan State University, and I was a hotel and food beverage guy before I became a fire guy. And really what it boiled for Yeah, but really what it boils down to is kind of long story short,

Unknown Speaker 13:08
the money was great. The title was great. But the mission wasn't great. And it wasn't fulfilled and knew that there was something really different than I needed to pursue and kind of cutting that journey. Really, really making it concise. I I stumbled upon the fire service. I actually thought I was gonna be a police officer first day and if you could believe that the first police department I tested with, and this is what I thought if I'm gonna be a police, if I'm gonna be a police officer. I'm gonna go where the action is. And I actually actually tested with LAPD. It was the very first police department that I tested with and Well, long story short, got everything sorted tested with the fire department and every firefighter I met.

Unknown Speaker 13:55
Increased the fire, no pun intended to become a firefighter because they were all just so excited and engaged in Wow, this is such a great career. And luckily, I got hired.

Unknown Speaker 14:10

Unknown Speaker 14:12
yeah, I got hired in, in 2001. But this is this is this is something I'd like to share with the audience. And I don't know if you want me to kind of go through my career. There's some I want to I want to share that. I don't know this to be 100% True, Dave, but I feel like it is now I got hired in July of 2001.

Unknown Speaker 14:34
Okay, and everybody, every you I'm sure you remember it distinctly I'm sure gene does. I'm sure all the listeners do that we're alive and able to remember 911 2001 And for me, I was coming in to one of my last days of the Fire Academy

Unknown Speaker 14:54
and I graduated two days later. So I I think

Unknown Speaker 15:00
There's got to be very few if not, we were the first graduating class in the country after 911, because how many? How many people graduate, graduated two days, two days later. So a 913 2001. I graduated by myself. And I mean by myself, I had my brothers and sisters that were my new fire community. But I didn't have my mom and dad, I didn't have my brothers because all the planes were grounded. And they couldn't come out and see what was one of the greatest accomplishments in life at that time.

Unknown Speaker 15:39
You notice very interesting, you know, I had just became fire chief. And I told my executive staff that we must go out and visit all fire stations, because I said, I know people have got to be shaken by this as we are. Because when you saw those planes, man, Shore and overall TV, it was really something in fact,

Unknown Speaker 16:00
Virginia Valentine at the time, the city manager said, what are we what are we doing chief? And I'm like, What do you mean matter managers to say, are we opening up the EOC? I say, Yes, ma'am. But you know, we pull all the departments together and start talking about what we need to do. Because, you know, again, we don't know what's going on our country has been attacked. So we got to be on the ready, and we were, but it was really a very stressful time. I know, it was important for me, from my perspective, to go out and see about your people who's going to be putting on a line. And that's why I'm still arguing Jeff, or making the point that we've got to make contact with our federal delegation about this whole cancer matter. That was I was totally changing in 2019, that now there's no end to when you know, it hits you. But wow, what about those retrospectively got the retrospect in terms of any kind of compensation? That wasn't the proper language there but to their families, we we assist every other country around the world we send money. Well, let's take care of our domestic war. So they didn't go to the military. But if you don't think these are warriors on the domestic side, then you have no idea the danger and the threat to life, their lives as they go into take care of our public so with that

Unknown Speaker 17:18
I had that had to be heavy on your man. I remember. When do we use and I'll let you get back into he saw was a big the big fire of

Unknown Speaker 17:28
the firefighters show. And what they call God My mind is the window

Unknown Speaker 17:35
is like rescue me. Rescue me yet. There was a there was a movie that came on, I just can't recall what it was. window changes. When the windows changes, man. Don't worry, no firefight. I just saw. What's the name of that movie anyway to come back to. But no, that's a great point. So go ahead, Jeff. I'm sorry. No, you're great. And let me just say amen to the points that you're making. Certainly our firefighters police officers, EMS first responders are we protect this country here domestically, of course, the armed services all the great work they're doing but I I agree with you taking care of those men and women here at home is super important. I totally agree.

Unknown Speaker 18:18
Absolutely. What I appreciate you married with children.

Unknown Speaker 18:22
I am yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:25
I'm a blessed and very lucky person. Like I'm sure like you and, and many other smart guys throughout the world. I'm married up, my wife is beautiful and super supportive and makes everything possible to be honest with you. She worked so hard, and very, very grateful for for her. We've been married for 22 years. We've known each other for

Unknown Speaker 18:50
26 years and and we have to live three, three beautiful children two that are teenagers. One that's six years old, my oldest daughter. She's a rebel, she plays for UNLV soccer. And

Unknown Speaker 19:08
she actually had a great, great year with the soccer team, and their coach is doing a great job at that really building that program. So really, really excited about the the upcoming season. You want to be with my daughter Trinity and then my my oldest son, he's a junior at Coronado High School and

Unknown Speaker 19:31
he's a pretty he's a pretty good athlete in his own right. He's a football player, basketball player. And yeah, so we're just kind of looking at the future there. My little guy. He's six years old. He's just starting off in the whole athletics realm, and he plays little flag football, and a little long, low basketball on Dave. You know, I'm the defensive coordinator for these little six year olds. So I mean, we're taking it pretty seriously. I just wanna let you know.

Unknown Speaker 19:58
I look now I mean

Unknown Speaker 20:00
It's just It's wonderful to have family in your heart and your soul man and keeps you on track. They keep you humble. And as they grow older Jeff of my daughters in particular man, they've been riding me with this medical issue that I'm having one day, they were feeding me all this ratatouille and I'm like, I want to turn you guys into the senior abuse system or somewhere, because you guys didn't know that eating a nice meal, and I'm eating this rabbit food and five minutes later, I'm hungry. But anyway, family is such a good thing. And God bless you, man. 22 great years. Keep it only upset me. Look, there's a

Unknown Speaker 20:39
there's a well, your discipline, I should say. What is your discipline as far as your PhD?

Unknown Speaker 20:45
Yeah, so I was a part of the original cohort of a program developed by Dr. Chris strange. He's the Director of Public Policy at the green stone, the green spring building, when he built just a phenomenal program, and I'm biased. But he built a phenomenal program. It's a it's an applied doctorate. It's a DPP, a Doctorate in Public Policy. And I was a part of the original cohort to go through that program starting in 2018. And then we graduated. And really in the midst of COVID. And, and actually, we, we didn't even know if we were going to be able to have a graduation ceremony. But fortunately, I was able to kind of make a couple of calls. And because I was working at Las Vegas at the time, and it was really cool. We actually had the graduation ceremony in the council chambers at City of Las Vegas, it was awesome.

Unknown Speaker 21:50
Great. Well, once again, this is Texas affairs plus on 91.5, jazz and more. I have the pleasure of having Dr. Jeff Buchanan on the show. And he's been a wonderful addition to our community as he came in and did a lot of work in the municipality. So

Unknown Speaker 22:09
any ideas or thoughts or suggestions you would pass on to others? Jeff, as we prepare to close off? Yeah, so I would say, number one, remain humble. But number two, be a lifelong learner. Be a lifelong learner, learn from everyone and always trying to improve yourself.

Unknown Speaker 22:30
And then finally, give back. And I think if you can combine all those things, it sets you on the right trajectory, to better yourself, but to share along the way, you know, through life, nobody can get through life on their own.

Unknown Speaker 22:45
That we write.

Unknown Speaker 22:48
That is great advice, I can tell you that.

Unknown Speaker 22:52
Some know that I'm an author, I've written one book, and I got several more in the hopper that I need to really get on. But one of the things I talked about, in fact, as I was developing me putting together my book,

Unknown Speaker 23:06
The young lady who was working with Kim Gonzalez, Gonzalez said, why don't you write a training manual? I said, No, I'm not trying to train anyone. What I'm preferring to do in my book is just be a book of inspiration. And through that, to your point.

Unknown Speaker 23:21
Dr. Buchanan, there's a lot of folks who helped me along the way black, white, male, female, and you never forget those who helped you through your journey. Because that journey is, it's not easy. Some people think there's some cookie cutter approach, and you just suddenly become far too. There's a lot of pitfalls along the way. Or you become an interim city manager like you did. So I'm pleased man to have you as a friend and colleague in the fire service and, and wish you well, I know you're on track doing some other things now, but you have been, I believe, a good standard bearer for the fire service in terms of professionalism. I think that that is an important

Unknown Speaker 24:01
item that we must address. And one other thing, I know that you've been one who has some interest in ensuring that all parties all ethnic groups are into are able to get into the forest service. I know that I'm going I've been trying to call on Assistant Chief out there with Clark County to give him some assistance on recruitment that he's dealing with and that is on my mind is blanked me with all this?

Unknown Speaker 24:28
Traffic? Yeah, max out.

Unknown Speaker 24:32
I want to try to help him out. Because I know when generally speaking throughout the country we have when went from to back in 1985 to 98, blacks made up 50% of all professional firefighting jobs in America and now we're down to between

Unknown Speaker 24:49
seven and 8%. In essence, department of labor, labor documentation. This is not just off the top of my head, as Dave Washington former fire chief, but it's something that we want

Unknown Speaker 25:00
squats because I truly believe that the work that is done by people in this in this in this country in this world, if we know people live near people that they have worked for us, it'd be a better society. And I think we all have an obligation to that point. And as you can hear my voice is a little dry, because he told me drink lots and lots of water on his medication. But anything further, you'd like to add just before we close out? Again?

Unknown Speaker 25:26
I do I do. Dave and I gotta give you a plug. And so what and tell you something that you may not know, okay? Remember, I share this with you, first of all your compliments.

Unknown Speaker 25:36
It's very humbling to receive those compliments from you with, with how highly I think of you and your history and your involvement in the community. And for Las Vegas Fire and Rescue serving those men and women as long as you did. But what you might not know. What you might not know, is I took a page out of my friend, fire chief Dave Washington's books in his strategic plan, because you know, we leave those documents around at the city. So people that come after us can can learn from it. And when it came to your approach, because it is difficult to achieve, yes, you're right, we have all the inclusivity in the fire service continues to be on the decline. And that needs to be on the incline so I can use all the help I can get. And I pulled a page out of your book, my friend. And I looked at what you had done. And I tried to duplicate it. I was reaching out to you may I was reaching out to the urban Chamber of Commerce, a Latin Chamber of Commerce, the Asian Chamber of Commerce, and I was working with with local local leaders that that focus on various groups like C dawg, Canton centric Williams, he's a retired guy out in North Las Vegas and I and I went to CSN and I built a partnership with with our friend,

Unknown Speaker 26:53
Commissioner weekly who now works for for NCCIH in College of Southern Nevada. And I'm like, let's let's go let's let's do this. Let's pick it up. And I'll tell you

Unknown Speaker 27:04
it's just very, very difficult, but we got to stay on track. Because we need more good people.

Unknown Speaker 27:10
The fire service can't survive without and that's for sure.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
Absolutely. Well, once again, to the doctor, the former fire chief former interim city manager, Dr. Jeff Buchanan, we thank you man for being on the show and you had some valuable information to our listening audience. So once again, last thing is better to pay us plus on any 1.5 or more we'll talk to you again next week. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 28:05
The smoking

Unknown Speaker 28:07
tilde Hey, when I step on the way

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Building Strong Communities: A Conversation on Service, Entrepreneurship, and Inclusion
Broadcast by